
Tiumphs and Tregedies

A ‘full house’ audience of 220 attended our concert ‘Triumphs and Tragedies’ on Sunday st the Union Sunday School.  The first attendees arrived shortly after 1:00pm for a 2:30pm concert (Marvin Kerr of North Liberty played prelude Civil War songs at 2:10pm) . Our cast of 24 received nothing but wonderful personal comments from the audience, especially after the concert.


We had a good number of audience members from Fayette County, but we also had audience from Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and south to Waterloo and west. Most audience members said  they enjoyed the’ history lesson’ set on August 25, 1863 as well as the 1863 and earlier music.


The history of Fayette County in the Civil War is written in facts, not ‘made up’ about local personages- men and women. Also, research bring out many startling facts to me, the cast and the audience. It is a history lesson for everyone. Thank you for your support. And I also thank Donna, my  wife!

Script writer and organist

Steve Story