Cedar Falls, Iowa— Nearly 50 regional partners attended the Silos & Smokestacks
National Heritage Area (SSNHA) Annual Golden Silo Awards Luncheon, Tuesday, May 22,
2007. The award luncheon was held at the Park Place Event Centre, Cedar Falls, Iowa.
SSNHA celebrated the best in heritage development by presenting Golden Silo
Awards to individuals and organizations whose contributions demonstrated outstanding
excellence in preserving and telling the stories of American agriculture.
The following individuals and organizations were recognized:
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art & Grant Wood Studio, Cedar Rapids
Outstanding Preservation in Agriculture
Honors an individual,organization, project, business, agency or local government who has made an extraordinary effort in preserving the icons to the story of American agriculture
Pioneer, A Dupont Company, Des Moines
Outstanding Partner
This brand-new award honors an organization, institution or individual who has shown support and partnered with SSNHA on numerous occasions to create awareness for the Heritage Area.
Mary Ellen Warren, Waterloo
The Alan Hutching’s Outstanding Visionary
Honors an individual, organization, business, agency or local government who has shown sustained support for the Heritage Area for more than five years, created a legacy in heritage development that has made all the difference and provided leadership in the heritage development movement.
Phyllis Ewing, Harpers Ferry; Bob Neymeyer, Parkersburg
Outstanding Volunteer
This award is given to an individual who has given tirelessly to the Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area. Phyllis and Bob were also recognized for completing six years of service on the SSNHA Partnership Panel.
The Partnership Panel is a 15-member advisory group, whose key objective is to
provide a regional perspective in building Iowa’s National Heritage Area. The Panel’s
accomplishments are many, including creating and administering the SSNHA Partnership
Designation and Grants Programs.
Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area is one of 37 federally designated heritage
areas in the nation and is an Affiliated Area of the National Park Service. The Heritage Area
covers 37 counties in the northeast quadrant of Iowa. Interstate 80 borders it on the south
and Interstate 35 borders it on the west. Through a network of sites, programs and events,
SSNHA interprets farm life, agribusiness and rural communities – past and present.
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