In 2021, the Floyd County Museum had a big year. It included a new education program for kindergarten through 12th grade students, hosted Heritage Fest for hundreds of people, had two free open house events, and started a popular, monthly, guest speaker series featuring local history. A roof replaced and three chimney were removed, as well as starting a new capital improvement project to prioritize and bring up to Museum standards our collections spaces, which included hiring a contract worker.
The Museum increased our volunteer program to have over 70 active volunteers, who donated over 2000 hours helping with events, behind the scenes projects, research, and the front desk. 2021 saw a total of 17 new exhibits, including new and rotating exhibit spaces, ranging from monthly to six-month rotations. Staff also redesigned the gift shop, added a kitchen to be available for Community Room rentals, built a new website, and expanded our social media and marketing, all to help create a better visitor experience.
FCM also continued to provide manual and build card sales for Hart-Parr, Oliver, White, and Minneapolis Moline tractors and implements. Overall, we have expanded our contribution to telling the agricultural history of Iowa, and more specifically Floyd County, through our education programs and public events, new exhibits, capital improvement and collections preservation projects, volunteer hours, visitor experience, and agricultural manual sales.
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Related Attractions:

Floyd County Historical Society Museum
500 Gilbert St
Charles City, IA