why you should vote for university of iowa
museum of natural history
There was an Iowa before this Iowa. Before pioneers first cut the prairie sod to plant their fields, there was a submarine Iowa where prehistoric sea monsters lurked. There was a temperate, densely forested Iowa, followed by a glacial Iowa where mammoths and giant sloths met the first Iowans arriving from another continent. For over 150 years, the University of Iowa Museum of Natural History has preserved the millennia-old story of Iowa’s geological, ecological and cultural transformation. A unique member among the region’s heritage sites, UIMNH offers a glimpse at the land from which our modern, agricultural Iowa was born—the ancient foundations beneath its silos and smokestacks. Visitors can rediscover beasts that roamed the Iowa landscape long before John Deere, get to know today’s backyard birds and mammals, or explore topics from ancient fossils to modern climate through education programs. Others outside of the museum’s walls can investigate natural history with the UIMNH’s traveling Discovery Trunks, its partnership in the University’s Mobile Museum, and the MNH roving outreach educators. In its efforts to look back in time, UIMNH does not forget to look forward as well. With exhibits exploring sustainable agriculture and the relationship between culture and environment, it seeks to educate Iowans so they may continue to preserve and prosper in our world today. UIMNH is a source of inspiration and discovery, where a story before the story is being retold.
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University of Iowa Museum of Natural History
17 N Clinton St
Iowa City, IA