PFI Field Day: Cover Crops: What, How & When?
Event Details
1031 County Road T55
Reinbeck, IA 50699
Contact Name: Practical Farmers of Iowa
Phone: (515) 232-5661
Event Description
Lifetime PFI members Jack and Marion Boyer invite those interested in learning more about cover crops in corn-soybean systems to visit their farm. Jack grows seed corn for Dupont Pioneer and has been experimenting with different cover crop seeding dates in the spring and fall into standing corn as well as different cover crop termination dates prior to growing soybeans. Jack is also investigating the performance of non-GMO corn following a cover crop. Attendees will learn about N-WATCH, a soil testing program to track nitrogen in the soil, launched by Illinois Council on Best Management Practices.
•Cover crop planting date trials
•Equipment to seed covers into standing crops will be on display
•Cover crop termination date trials
•Non-GMO corn following a cover crop
•N-WATCH sampling for nitrogen movement
•Aerial photos of erosion and crop monitoring, possible discussion on robots for seeding cover crops
•Bob Recker, Cedar Valley Innovation (aerial photos and robots)
•Staff from Heartland Coop (nutrient reduction/cover crops)
•Staff from Iowa Soybean Association (on-farm research)
•Aerial applicator (tentative)
•NRCS (tentative)
The Farm:
J Boyer Farms Inc. is a third-generation Century Farm. The Boyers grow seed corn, field corn and soybeans, and have been integrating cover crops into the fields for the last 4 years. They are beginning to see the benefits, but are still looking for quantifiable financial and environmental benefits. Their goal: to leave the farm in as good or better condition than when they started farming.
From U.S. 20 at Dike, turn south on County Road T-55; go 11.5 miles south. 1031 is the second house on the east side of the road, south of County Line.
Lunch provided, RSVP Requested. RSVP for meal:
Lauren Zastrow,, (515) 232-5661 by Friday, July 3.
Sponsored by: Grundy County Soil and Water Conservation District and Heartland Co-op