A Peaceful Presence For The Holidays
Event Details
7 North Water Ave
New Hampton, Iowa 50659
Contact Name: Juanita Andersen
Email: carnegiecc@yahoo.com
Phone: 641.394.2354
Website: www.carengieculturalcenter.org
Event Description
Artifacts for the current Temporary Exhibit at the Carnegie Cultural Center, “In the Presence of Angels” are from the collection of well- known community figures, Marsha and Tim Angel. Most of us know Tim as the City sewage treatment guy. (So, what’s angelic about THAT?) Most of us know Marsha as a prolific craftswoman who produces home décor items with a rustic, home-spun appeal. (…which is certainly more angelic than Tim!) Most of us also know that Tim and Marsha are also avid collectors of many things, and with a last name like Angel…well you get the idea. This fact presents us with a whole new way of knowing Marsha and Tim: they live always in the presence of…are always surrounded by… angels.
As children, many of us are introduced to the idea that we each have a guardian angel who serves as a constant, caring custodian of our body and soul. With that image in mind, it would seem that we all live in the presence of…are surrounded by…angels. In Tim and Marsha’s case, they are literally surrounded by angels as the walls of their home are covered with vintage lithographs and prints depicting angels. The pieces on display at the Carnegie are traditional representations of angels leading children away from danger, watching over slumbering little ones, or whisking them away to a safe, heavenly home. Other pieces are more religious depictions of angels with saints and saviors.
Marsha and Tim are sharing their angels with us for the Christmas season and will be on display through the end of December. Stop in and take in the exhibit to experience a gentle respite from the often hectic holiday hoopla.
Admission to the Carnegie Cultural Center is free. It is open Thursdays 12-6pm, Saturdays 10am-4 pm, Sundays 1-4pm or anytime by appointment. For more information, contact the Cultural Center by phone at (641)394-2354, by email at carnegiecc@yahoo.com or visit the website www.carnegieculturalcenter.org