Atlases, Maps, and More: The Melchoir Huebinger Lecture
Event Details
860 Quarry Rd.
Coralville, IA / 52241
Phone: (319) 351-5738
Event Description
This lecture, presented by Mike Flaherty, will provide a wealth of information about Melchoir Huebinger and his creation of the first Iowa road atlas. Melchoir Huebinger worked as a cartographer in the later part of the 1800s and the early 1900s. His work helped convince the nation that Iowa had “stepped out of the mud” and had new, modern paved roads. Huebinger and his company, the Iowa Publishing Co., were features at the Chicago and St. Louis World Fairs.
Mike will show off part of his collection of rare maps and atlases during this event.
This event is free and open to the public.

Johnson County Historical Society Museum
200 E. 9th St. Suite 101
Coralville, IA
(319) 569-4502