Bats Research of the MInes of Spain
Event Details
Contact Name: Wayne Buchholtz
Phone: 563-556-0620
Event Description
The Mines of Spain Recreation Area will host a program on the Bat Research that the University of Dubuque has been conducting . The program will be held on February 10 at 1:00 pm and will be presented by Megan M. Johnson. Megan and others have been conducting research on bats at the Mines of Spain and other locations in the Dubuque area. The research on bats started with the idea that bats are in trouble due to the White Nosed Syndrome that has killed thousands across the United States. Are bats in the Midwest in trouble, are they in trouble at the Mines of Spain. These question and more gave reason for the study. Megan will share their findings and give you information on what bats call the Mines of Spain home and which ones need our help. Learn about the life of a bat and how they are so important to our lives and how they fit into the cycle of nature. Megan will have some the equipment and other materials used in the research and will be displayed during the program. Plan to attend the program with your family and come to the E. B. Lyons Interpretive Center and enjoy a program about one of Iowa’s unique animals and least understood, the Bat.
This event is part of the Winter Program series. The presentation will be held in the Auditorium and there will be a related activity for children in the lower level. The winter programs will start at 1pm and usually last about an hour. The center will be open from 12:30p to 3:30pm on Winter Program Sundays, 2nd and 4th Sunday of February, and March! Visitors can tour the center, view the animals, and access the exhibits and gift shop during open hours! Trails are open 4am – 10:30pm. The E. B. Lyons Interpretive Ceneter is located at 8991 Bellevue Heights south of Dubuque off HWY 52. Visit and ask staff for a trail suggestions!