Honeybee Queen Rearing Class
Event Details
6665 Otis Rd. SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Email: naturecenter@indiancreeknaturecenter.org
Phone: 319-362-0664
Website: http://www.indiancreeknaturecenter.org
Event Description
Honeybee Queen Rearing Class This two day, hands-on class provides experienced beekeepers a method of rearing their own queens. Tailored after the Larry Connor queen rearing method, each class member should receive one or two queen grafts to take home. See our website for additional details www,indiancreeknaturecenter.org. Class meets each day from 9 am – 3 pm. Bring a lunch. Registration required; limited to 10 participants. Register online at www.indiancreeknaturecenter.org or call 319-36209664 Cost: M: $65; NM: $75