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Iowa Regional Lily Show

Event Details

June 25, 2022 10:00 AM — June 25, 2022 2:00 PM
Location: Reiman Gardens
1407 University Blvd.
Ames, IA 50011
Email: reimangardens@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-2710
Website: https://www.reimangardens.com/event/iowa-regional-lily-show-4/

Event Description

Reiman Gardens is pleased to host the Iowa Regional Lily Society’s (IRLS) Annual Lily Show.

Lilies from Iowa and surrounding states plus a number of lily designs and photos will fill the Reiman Gardens’ Events Hall with color and beauty. Visitors will see more than a hundred lilies from around the Midwest. The IRLS Lily Show is held in a public place to expose and educate the general public about the various exotic colors, shapes and fragrance of lilies.

While here, visit the tropical Hughes Conservatory, the Christina Reiman Butterfly Wing, and the Gift Shop.

Admission is free for members and ISU students. Price of admission for the general public. No preregistration required.