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Iowa River Greenbelt Geology Cruise aboard Scenic City Empress

Event Details

October 6, 2013 3:30 PM — October 6, 2013 5:00 PM
Location: Empress Boat Club/Scenic City Empress
18335 135 St.
Iowa Falls, IA 50126
Contact Name: Mary Hyland
Phone: 641-373-6302
Website: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e81g482x955e1c6b&llr=oqgqe6jab

Event Description

A 90 minute cruise aboard the Scenic City Empress to learn about the Iowa River valley.  Geologists Deb Quade and Robert McKay, from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, will conduct a presentation on the origin and evolution of the Iowa River Greenbelt, as well as the surrounding upland landscape.

Discussions will focus on the geologic history and age of our river valley, and the unique & beautiful rock formations along the Iowa River in Iowa Falls, IA.   Participants will gain a better understanding and appreciation concerning the function and importance of the Iowa River Greenbelt area.

Please feel free to bring snacks and a beverage of choice on the cruise.  Small coolers are OK.

This event is sponsored by the Empress Boat Club and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

This event is free, but registration is required.  Participation is limited to 45 people.

ONLINE REGISTRATION will be open until the 45 participant limit is reached, or Wednesday, October 2nd.  After that date, please contact Mary Hyland at 641-373-6302.