Jazz at the Center: Jazz Too Mike Michalicek & Dan Hummel
Event Details
October 24, 2013 5:30 PM
Location: Waterloo Center for the Arts
225 Commercial Street
Waterloo, Iowa
Contact Name: Laura Stammler
Email: laura.stammler@waterloo-ia.org
Phone: 3192914490
Website: www.waterloocenterforthearts.org
225 Commercial Street
Waterloo, Iowa
Contact Name: Laura Stammler
Email: laura.stammler@waterloo-ia.org
Phone: 3192914490
Website: www.waterloocenterforthearts.org
Event Description
The WCA’s Town Hall serves as a
stage for local/regional jazz and jazz
fusion talents. Relax and unwind with
friends, family or co-workers. Food
and beverages will be available for
Free admission