Learn to Blacksmith
Event Details
214 1st street
Haverhill, Iowa, 50120
Contact Name: Jennifer Bancescu
Email: jen.bancescu@iowa.gov
Phone: 5152814221
Website: https://iowaculture.gov/history/sites/matthew-edel-blacksmith-shop
Event Description
Join us as we fire up the coals and turn hot metal into horseshoes during “Learn to Blacksmith Day” at the historic Matthew Edel Blacksmith Shop in Haverhill. Professional blacksmiths from the Upper Midwest Blacksmith Association will give us some hands-on training as we stoke a forge and learn the trade – no previous experience is necessary. Tour the blacksmith shop and see how Matthew lived and worked as a blacksmith from 1883 until his death in 1940, and step into the History on the Move mobile museum for a look at Iowa’s past. Admission to this event is free.