Holiday Walk “Motor Mill: Legends, Locals, and Limestone”
Event Details
28518 Galaxy Rd
Elkader , IA
Contact Name: Ean
Phone: 563-245-1516
Event Description
Holiday Walk
“Motor Mill: Legends, Locals, and Limestone”
December 1st 6-8pm
Motor Mill County Park
Clayton County Conservation is shaking things up for this year’s holiday walk!
The walk will take place at the Motor Mill Historic Site, where participants will be introduced to colorful characters from throughout the site’s amazing natural and cultural history.
Come dressed for the weather as this lantern-lit walk will take place outdoors, lasting approximately 30 minutes. Performance by the Elkader Central Madrigal Choir to follow with light refreshments. Walks will leave in groups every 15 minutes from 6:00-7:15.
This event is free, but participants are encouraged to bring a donation of cracked corn or black oil sunflower seeds for our winter bird feeders at Osborne.
Motor Mill is located at 23002 Grain Rd., Elkader. Reservations for this event are required. Please call 563-245-1516 between 8am-4pm Monday – Friday.