Spirits in the Gardens
Event Details
1407 University Blvd
Ames, IA/50011
Contact Name: Andrew Gogerty
Email: gogertya@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-4169
Website: https://reimangardens.com/
Event Description
Featuring more than 1,000 Jack-O-Lanterns hand-carved by volunteers, Spirits in the Gardens has become a central Iowa tradition for Halloween family fun. Saturday and Sunday nights will include activities, chemistry experiments, trick-or-treating, cosplay and more. Come in costume and join in the spooky fun! Tickets are for reserved entry time slots (stay as long as you wish). This event sells out quickly, so purchase tickets early!
Tickets go on sale September 9, 2024!

Reiman Gardens – Iowa State Universtiy
1407 University Blvd
Ames, IA