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Tyden Farm No. 6 Tour

Event Details

July 18, 2015 2:00 PM
Location: Tyden Farm No. 6
1145 300th Street
Dougherty, IA 50433
Contact Name: Judy Pitzenberger
Email: tyden6@netins.net
Phone: 641-426-5277
Website: tydenfarm.com

Event Description

Tyden Farm No. 6 Tour for the general public July 18 at 2pm

On a tour at Tyden Farm No. 6 you will discover one of America’s true unsung innovators.  After Emil Tyden, a Swedish immigrant’s arrival in 1882 he would invent the Tyden seal during his railroad days and patent the Viking sprinkler system while manufacturing in Chicago. You’ll also learn about Emil’s service as a “dollar a year man” during World War I, and how he transformed 8 farms in north central Iowa into grand operations between 1915 and 1936.  These farms provided employment to many locals during The Great Depression, serving as just one example of Col Tyden’s kindness throughout his many endeavors.  One of those farms, Tyden Farm No. 6, stands today as it did in 1936, when it was built up.  It is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

During your visit you will view a 20 minute documentary on Col Tyden and the farms and tour the impressive buildings and antique equipment used on these farms.  You visit the hog house turned into a climate controlled museum of a 1940-50’s farm family.  Wander the whimsical gardens and see what a summer kitchen was like in the 1920’s. Refreshment of cookies and lemonade are served like on farms of old.

You don’t have to be a part of a group to see all of this.  On July 18, 2015 at 2PM there is a tour open to individuals.  The cost is $15 and there are only 60 openings so you need to call and reserve your spot.