UI Explorers Seminar
Event Details
Macbride Hall
Iowa City, IA 52242
Contact Name: Rebecca Pope
Email: rebecca-pope@uiowa.edu
Phone: 319-335-0606
Website: www.uiowa.edu/mnh
Event Description
The UI Pentacrest Museums and UI Museum of Natural History will start the spring UI Explorers Seminar series with John Doershuk and Mark Anderson from the Office of the State Archaeologist. Doershuk and Anderson will speak on “Where is that Confounded Site? Historic Background and the Recent Search for the Rummells-Maske Clovis Cache, 13CD15.” at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 28 in the Biosphere Discovery Hub.
The Rummells-Maske Clovis Cache (13CD15) was excavated in the mid-1960s, the data published, and as a result, Iowa secured its place in the national archaeological literature as having strong promise for future discoveries of buried Paleoindian archaeological deposits. Despite some small finds from various locations around the state, and except for the recently defined Carlisle Cache location in Polk County, this promise has not yet materialized. The persistent lack of comparable sites has led to renewed interest in details of the 13CD15 context. Close inspection of the extant archival records suggests characterizing the deposit as a cache may not be accurate; it is also not clear that the deposit was fully excavated. Recent field efforts to relocate and further explore the site are currently being presented and evaluated.
This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments co-sponsored by Molly’s Cupcakes IC.
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. For more information on the UI Pentacrest Museums and the UI Museum of Natural History, visit http://www.uiowa.edu/mnh or call (319) 335-0606.
University of Iowa Museum of Natural History
17 N Clinton St
Iowa City, IA