UI Explorers Seminar: “Hawkeyes in Space: Space Research at the University of Iowa” with Dr. Craig Kletzing, UI Physics and Astronomy
Event Details
17 N. Clinton St.
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Contact Name: Sarah Horgen
Email: uimnh@uiowa.edu
Phone: 319-335-0606
Website: http://uiowa.edu/mnh
Event Description
Professor James Van Allen and the University of Iowa played a pioneering role in space exploration by the United States of America, and the University continues to play an active role in our nation’s continued exploration of the Solar System and beyond, to the far reaches of the Universe. The UI’s Department of Physics and Astronomy has contributed to more than 100 spacecraft missions since the 1950’s, and this exhibit highlights three major events in that history: Explorer 1 in 1958, Voyager 1 in 1977, and the Van Allen Probes launched in 2013. Dr. Craig Kletzing will discuss the Van Allen Probes in depth and give the audience a sneak-peak at the “Hawkeyes in Space” 2015 Mobile Museum exhibit that will tour the state this year.

University of Iowa Museum of Natural History
17 N Clinton St
Iowa City, IA