UI Explorers Seminar: “Life in the Wild: the Mianmin of Papua New Guinea” with Steven Austad
Event Details
17 N. Clinton St.
Iowa City, 52242
Contact Name: Trina Roberts
Email: trina-roberts@uiowa.edu
Phone: 319-335-1313
Website: http://uiowa.edu/mnh
Event Description
Visiting biologist Steven Austad will talk about his experiences working among the Mianmin, a group of people that still hunt game (and sometimes one another) with spears and arrows in the central mountains of Papua New Guinea.
Dr. Austad is interested in the biology of aging and longevity in species from humans to hydras. His science writing has appeared in publications including Natural History and Scientific American and in his book Why We Age.
University of Iowa Museum of Natural History
17 N Clinton St
Iowa City, IA