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    Silos & Smokestacks Grant and Partner Applications Due June 1

    Northeastern Iowa-Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area (SSNHA) is accepting applications for grants to fund projects that preserve and interpret America’s agricultural stories. SSNHA is also seeking new agriculturally-related tourism sites to become partners of the Heritage Area. Partner and grant applications are due postmarked June 1.

    Eligible grant projects must be located in one of the 37 counties within the Heritage Area and provide a 1-1 match to the grant request. There is $50,000 available for projects including exhibit development, educational programs, interpretation, marketing, signs and event programming. Grant awards may range from $1,000 to $10,000. Eligible applicants are non-profit organizations, local or regional governments, or federally recognized Indian Tribes located within the Heritage Area. Grant applications are available online at

    Through the SSNHA Partner Site Designation Program, recognized sites would join 91 other northeastern Iowa partners in telling the unique story of American agriculture. Benefits of becoming a Heritage Area partner site are networking within a regional and national program, access to financial and technical resources, opportunities for interpretive and education projects and participation in marketing programs, including the SSNHA brochure and website. Applications can be found online at

    Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area is one of 27 federally designated heritage areas in the nation and is an Affiliated Area of the National Park Service. The Heritage Area covers 37 counties in the northeast quadrant of Iowa. Interstate 80 borders it on the south and Interstate 35 borders it on the west. Through the development of a network of sites, programs, and events, SSNHA interprets farm life, agribusiness, and rural communities – past and present.


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