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    Silos & Smokestacks to Offer Workshop on Exhibit Design

    Northeast Iowa – Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area (SSNHA) will be hosting the
    workshop, “Convey an Idea: The Power of Your Exhibit’s Central Theme,” on October 30
    from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center located at the Mines of Spain
    Recreation Area in Dubuque, Iowa. The workshop will be presented by Taylor Studios, an
    exhibit design and fabrication firm located in Rantoul, Illinois, who has worked extensively in
    the Heritage Area; creating signs, videos and exhibits which convey the story of American

    During the workshop, participants will discover the importance of conveying an exhibits
    central theme within seconds. In order to accomplish this you must have creative titles,
    decorative fonts and captivating photos. Taylor Studios will describe how to design an exhibit
    from just a small idea into a conceptual reality. Through activities and an entertaining video,
    participants will be able to use the knowledge gained throughout the day and apply it
    immediately to projects they are working on.

    “We are excited to host Taylor Studios for this exciting and informative workshop. Through
    their expertise participants will learn how to create an effective exhibit on any budget,”
    commented Don Short, SSNHA President.

    The registration fee for Designated SSNHA Partner or Emerging Sites is $35 per person or
    $90 for three individuals from the same site. Fee for all other participants is $45 per person.
    For more information or to register for this workshop, visit or
    call 319-234-4567.

    SSNHA is one of 49 federally designated heritage areas in the nation and is Affiliated Area of
    the National Park Service. The Heritage Area covers 37 counties in the northeast quadrant of
    Iowa. Interstate 80 borders it on the south and Interstate 35 borders it on the west. Through a
    network of sites, programs and events, SSNHA interprets farm life, agribusiness, and rural
    communities—past and present.

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