WATERLOO, Iowa –The Grout Museum of History & Science in partnership with Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area will be presenting a live reading of “Map of My Kingdom” at the Grout Museum, 503 South St. on April 13 from 2-5 p.m.
Today, a vast amount of land in the United States is owned by those over 65 years old. Some have made their wishes clear for the future of their property. Others are courting family upheaval by not planning in concrete ways.
Map of My Kingdom, a play commissioned by Practical Farmers of Iowa and written by Iowa’s Poet Laureate Mary Swander, tackles the critical issue of land transition. This performance is designed to educate and help families with the hard discussion regarding the transfer of land to the next generation of farmers.
Attending this program is free of charge, but seating is limited. For more information call Samantha Mensinger at (319) 234-6357 (Grout Museum District) or Jori Wade-Booth (319) 234-4567 (Silos & Smokestacks).
The mission of Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area is to preserve and tell the story of American agriculture — past, present and future. Visit one of SSNHAs 119 partner sites throughout Northeast Iowa to learn more about the history of farming or to experience the new and amazing innovations in the agriculture industry. Or, explore Iowans as leaders in agriculture in Silos & Smokestacks’ traveling exhibit, “It Takes An Iowan.” For more information, visit www.silosandsmokestacks.org.
Photo attached: Map of My Kingdom Logo
Photo attached: Mary Swander
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