PFI Field Day: Summer Solstice Picnic on the Prairie
Event Details
3319 140th St.
Thornton, IA 50479
Contact Name: Practical Farmers of Iowa
Phone: 5152325661
Event Description
Celebrate the Summer Solstice by learning about pollinators and exploring the prairie at Paul Willis’s farm. In addition to learning about the multiple benefits of restoring prairies, Paul will talk about his experience as a Niman Ranch pork producer. Speakers from University of Northern Iowa, Iowa State University and Grinnell College will share their knowledge about different aspects of the prairie.
• Laura Jackson, Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa
• Elizabeth Hill, Center for Prairie Studies, Grinnell College
• Mary Harris, STRIPs, Iowa State University
The Farm:
Willis Farm includes 160 acres that have been in wetland reserve for 12 years, with prairie potholes and headwaters of the west fork of the Cedar River.
From Thornton (which is a mile west of I-35, 100 miles north of Des Moines): Turn right, go 1 block (north), then turn left (west) and head out of town for 2 miles. Do not follow the curve; instead go straight on gravel to Eagle Avenue, turn right (north) and go 1.5 miles; then turn left on 140th street and go west for 1.6 miles. Willis Farm is on the left.
Stay for a potluck following the program. Niman Ranch will provide pork; bring a side dish or dessert to share. RSVP Requested. RSVP for meal:
Lauren Zastrow,, (515) 232-5661 by Wednesday, June 17.
Sponsored by: Iowa Farmers Union, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation and Niman Ranch.