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    Free Webinar on Silos & Smokestacks’ General Grant Application

    Northeast Iowa – Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area (SSNHA) will be hosting a free General Grant Application Webinar, on Tuesday, June 3, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. CST. For the 2015 grant cycle, Silos & Smokestacks will only be accepting applications submitted online. The webinar will outline the new application process and assist potential applicants in setting up their online profile.

    During the webinar, participants will learn the procedure for setting up grant applications (so they can be saved and returned to later), uploading attachments to their application, and reviewing the entire application (highlighting grant criteria and funding priorities). Potential grant applicants will be able to determine if their project is ready for the General Grant Program, have a better comfort level with the online application, and even have a head start on completing their grant application.

    The 2015 SSNHA General Grant Program has $50,000 available to help fund agricultural related interpretive projects in the Heritage Area, such as: exhibit development, educational programs, interpretive signage, marketing and event programming. Proposed projects must demonstrate how they interpret America’s agricultural stories. Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations, local/regional governments or federally recognized Indian tribes with projects located within the Heritage Area. Projects funded through SSNHA Grant Programs must provide a 1-1 non-federal match to the grant award. Grant awards range from $1,000 to $10,000.

    “This webinar is a great opportunity for organizations, who are interested in applying for the General Grant, to see if their project is a good fit before they take the effort to apply,” commented Don Short, SSNHA President.

    Registration is required by June 2 to participate in this free webinar. Click here for more information or to register, or call 319-234-4567.

    SSNHA is one of 49 federally designated heritage areas in the nation and is Affiliated Area of the National Park Service. The Heritage Area covers 37 counties in the northeast quadrant of Iowa. Interstate 80 borders it on the south and Interstate 35 borders it on the west. Through a network of sites, programs and events, SSNHA interprets farm life, agribusiness, and rural communities—past and present.

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