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Beginning Birder Course: Session V

Event Details

April 26, 2016 7:00 PM
Location: Conservation Education Center
2048 US 6
Oxford, IA 52322
Email: salgreen@ co.johnson.ia.us
Phone: 319-645-1011
Website: www.johnson-county.com

Event Description

The Iowa City Bird Club will host a six session beginning birder course at Kent Park. Participants can attend one or all sessions. Field trips are optional. The first session will focus on bird identification and equipment. Preregistration is required by noon on Tuesday of each session. To register, call 319-645-1011 or email salgreen@ co.johnson.ia.us. The course is $5/session for nonclub members; children are free.


Beginning Birder Course: Session V Tuesday, April 26, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Conservation Education Center Session V of the Course will highlight the birds that visit Hickory Hill and Waterworks Parks in Iowa City.

Beginning Birder Course: Session VI Tuesday, May 3, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Conservation Education Center In this last session of the course, the interesting but confusing species of warblers will be discussed.