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Colonies in Bloom

Event Details

June 27, 2020 9:00 AM — June 27, 2020 5:00 PM
Location: Amana Colonies
Amana, Iowa
Contact Name: David Rettig
Email: info@amanacolonies.com
Phone: 319-622-7622
Website: http://amanacolonies.com

Event Description

“Colonies in Bloom” features the Amana Colonies bathed in flowers.  This summer long event in the seven villages has two very special days; June 27th and July 25th when many of the private gardens will be open to the public.  The residents of the Amana Colonies compete for the award of Best Garden on both dates.  The garden display changes throughout the summer as each flower reaches its peak.  Private gardens that are open will display both an American and German flag in their yard and the gardeners will be on hand to explain their specific yard and plants.  Stop by any of our businesses to pick-up a map of the gardens and best flower displays.  A drive through the seven villages will be a feast for the eyes as both businesses and resident in all villages plant and raise beautiful flowers but mark your calendar for these two dates as you will get an in-depth view at some amazing gardens.

As an added bonus our famous Lotus Lilies are in bloom on our Lily Lake between the villages of Amana and Middle Amana in late July and early August.