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Crop Succession Planning Workshop

Event Details

February 23, 2017 6:00 PM — February 23, 2017 8:00 PM
Location: Dubuque County ISU Extension & Outreach
14858 West Ridge Lane
Dubuque, Iowa, 52003
Contact Name: Laura Klavitter
Email: klavitte@iastate.edu
Phone: 5635836496
Website: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/dubuque/news/crop-succession-planning-workshop

Event Description

Dubuque County ISU Extension and Outreach and Dubuque Community Garden Coalition are teaming up to host Grant McCarty, University of Illinois Extension Educator, for a Crop Succession Workshop on February 23rd, 6-8pm at Dubuque County Extension Office.

Crop Succession will provide an overview on the basics of setting up a productive crop succession program to guarantee yield and bounty for farmers market vendors, CSA farms, and backyard growers. In this hands-on program, participants will learn what factors to consider with the vegetable varieties and families they will be growing this upcoming season by using Excel spreadsheets, online programs, and other resources.