Drive-Thru Santa on the Farm
Event Details
1527 Hwy 150 S
Calmar, IA
Contact Name: 52132
Phone: 563-534-9957
Event Description
Santa and Mrs. Claus will be coming to town, or should we say to the farm! A Drive-Thru Santa on the Farm event will be held at Iowa’s Dairy Center on Friday evening, Dec. 18 from 5-7 p.m. Iowa’s Dairy Center is located at 1527 Hwy. 150 S, Calmar.
Visitors will be able to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus from their vehicles. The drive-thru event will take visitors right through the farm’s freestall barn to see a close-up view of the milking cows. Pre-packaged cookies and milk sponsored by Dairy Farmers of America will be served right to your vehicle. Visitors will also receive a fun holiday gift which includes a virtual reality kit to tour the dairy farm, at-home educational dairy activities and more.
This family-friendly event is free to the public and donations are appreciated. There will be no building access for restrooms during the event. Visitors must stay inside their vehicles at all times.
The event will be weather permitting. For up-to-date information or questions, visit the Northeast Iowa Dairy Foundation’s Facebook page or contact Mariah Busta at This event is held in partnership with area county Farm Bureaus.