Fossil Guy Dinosaurs Growing Up
Event Details
Macbride Hall
Iowa City, IA/52242
Contact Name: Rebecca Pope
Phone: 319-335-0606
Event Description
“The Fossil Guy” fall series at the University of Iowa Museum of Natural History begins on Saturday, April 20, at 2 p.m., with “Dinosaurs Growing Up!” Presentations are geared toward elementary-age children. The free public events are held in Macbride Auditorium.
Recent research has shed light on the growth and development of many kinds of dinosaurs. What do we know about parental care of hatchling dinosaurs? How fast did dinosaurs grow? When did they reach full size and how long did they live?
This program will focus on answering these questions with a focus on duck-billed dinosaurs and large-bodied tyrannosaurs. See and touch genuine fossil bones including eggs, teeth, and claws of juvenile & adult duckbills and tyrannosaurs. Examine fossil bones of a special duckbill, “Laura the Kid Dinosaur”, and see how she fits on the Hypacrosaurus growth curve. Learn about the tremendous teenage growth spurt of Tyrannosaurus rex. Don Johnson will share his experiences hunting for dinosaur fossils in the badlands of South Dakota & Montana to conclude the program.
For more information on the UI Pentacrest Museums and the UI Museum of Natural History, visit or call (319) 335-0606. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events.
University of Iowa Museum of Natural History
17 N Clinton St
Iowa City, IA