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Journey to Freedom

Event Details

September 26, 2015 5:30 PM — September 26, 2015 8:00 PM
Location: Wickiup Hill
10260 Morris Hills Rd
Toddville, IA 52341
Contact Name: Krystal Gladden
Email: kgladden@blackiowa.org
Phone: 319-862-2101
Website: http://www.blackiowa.org/

Event Description

The African American Museum and Wickiup Hill will host Journey to Freedom, a simulated outdoor Underground Railroad experience, Saturday September 26th, 2015 from 5:30 to 8pm. The participants will be transported back in time to experience perils and triumphs of their escape from slavery.

 On this journey, they will learn to navigate using the stars and build a fire from abolitionists “conductors.” They will hide from slave catchers in the Iowa terrain and encounter farmers, and bounty hunters while trying to navigate their way to Canada. Who can they trust? Will their group make it to freedom? Or will they be captured and sent back into slavery?

 If you are interested in signing up for this event, please contact Krystal Gladden at 319-862-2101 x 226 or kgladden@blackiowa.org. You can also find registration forms online at blackiowa.org


This event costs $3 per participant. To register visit us at blackiowa.org or email kgladden@blackiowa.org.