Old World Christmas Market Dec. 7th and 8th 2019
Event Details
1400 Inspiration Place SW
Cedar Rapids, IA
Phone: 3193628500
Website: https://www.ncsml.org/ncsml-events/old-world-christmas-market/
Event Description
Join us for Old World Christmas Market on December 7 and 8, 2019!
Christmas markets (Vánoční trhy) are an important part of the holiday celebrations in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Our Old World Christmas Market is inspired by these traditional Christmas markets with our own Midwest twist. There’s something for everyone at Cedar Rapids’ own Old World Christmas market.
Visitors can shop for unique products and enjoy the one of a kind shopping experience while enjoying delicious food and beverages and listening to holiday music. Take a horse and wagon ride through Czech Village and delight in entertainment from local performers. Find out if you get candy or potatoes this year when you meet Svatý Mikuláš, Čert a Anděl (St. Nicholas, the devil, and angel). With free admission to the museum exhibition galleries, see our newest exhibit, Medieval to Metal: The Art and Evolution of the GUITAR and take part in traditional crafts and activities.
Old World Christmas Market is a holiday tradition brought to Cedar Rapids by the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library that has allowed people of all ages to celebrate together and create memories for a decade. For more informatino go to: https://www.ncsml.org/ncsml-events/old-world-christmas-market/

National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library
1400 Inspiration Place SW
Cedar Rapids, IA