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Owl Prowl

Event Details

March 1, 2013 6:30 PM — March 1, 2013 8:30 PM
Location: E. B. Lyons Interpretive Center
Contact Name: Wayne Buchholtz
Email: wayne.buchholtz@dnr.iowa.gov
Phone: 563-556-0620

Event Description


Owl Prowl is a program about owls. We will explore the life of an owl during an indoor program.  The program will be held March 1 at 6:30 pm at the E. B. Lyons Interpretive Center at the Mines of Spain Recreation Area.  The center is located at 8991 Bellevue Hts., just south of Dubuque.  Be led thru their life by studying how they can see in the dark, how they can hear a mouse moving thru the leaves and why they are called the Ghost Bird.  Jared McGovern will provide information on owls. How they hear, sea and fly silently. He will go into the wonders and spookiness of being in the dark.  Take part in activities to learn the answers. After the indoor program, we will venture outdoors to call in owls – Barred Owls, Screech Owls and Great Horned Owls.   Learn their unique and eerie calls.  This is the start of their nesting season, a perfect time to call them in and the perfect family experience. Dress for the weather as we will be venturing down one of the trails at the E. B. Lyons Interpretive Center..