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Paddle Day – Revision

Event Details

January 24, 2015 12:00 PM — January 24, 2015 4:30 PM
Location: Indian Creek Nature Center
6665 Otis Rd SE
Cedar Ra[ods, IA 50403
Contact Name: Suzanne Hunter
Email: shunter@indiancreeknaturecenter.org
Phone: 319-362-0664
Website: www.indiancreeknaturecenter.org

Event Description

Paddle Day offers something for every paddler, whether a beginner or seasoned veteran. Connect with a paddling buddy, share experiences, learn about new gear, and discover new places to paddle. Doors open at noon for you to enjoy paddling exhibits and displays by various paddling organizations. Speakers begin at 12:30 PM and will include: “Paddling Adventures in the Ozarks” by Marty Koch; Kickapoo River, A Gem in“ SW Wisconsin” by Lisa Nagle and Jan Aiels; “Expanded View from the Cockpit,” by Bill and Joyce Schoon; and “Discover Great Local Paddling Opportunities.” Visit indiancreeknaturecenter.org for details. M $8; NM $12.