From the Prairie to the Trenches: Iowans in the Great War
Event Details
503 South Street
Waterloo, IA 50701
Phone: (319) 234-6357
Event Description
One Hundred Years ago, Iowans answered the call of service in the Great War; later known as the First World War. Utilizing rare images, documents and objects this exhibition examines World War I from multiple angles; the representation of the war in contemporary culture, from the perspective of the women who volunteered and supported the military effort, as well as the viewpoint of Iowa’s minority populations.
The role of women in the Great War was remarkable. Their role varied from volunteer efforts, working on the home front, and participating alongside the armed forces. One such story featured will be that of Julia Close and her efforts with the Red Cross. Attention will be placed on the broad troop experience, but in particular the African American and Native American troops; such as the Fort Des Moines African American Officer Training Program.
Around 114,000 Iowans served in the War, of those 3,576 died while in the armed services – over half of these deaths were credited to the epidemic of Spanish influenza. Those who answered the call were farmers, miners, students, lawyers and bartenders; they represented the state from all walks of life.