Prijedor: Lives from Bosnian Genocide
Event Details
503 South Street
waterloo, Iowa/50701
Contact Name: Robin Ventor
Phone: 319-234-6357
Event Description
From 1992 to 1995, a genocidal war engulfed the former Yugoslav republic of Bosnia-Heregovina. In the city of Prijedor, extreme nationalist Serb forces seized control of the multiethnic community and began a systematic persecution of the area’s Muslim and Catholic population. Thousands in an around Prijedor were subjected to extreme and escalating violations of human rights, including dismissal from jobs, explosions from homes, forced labor, use as human shields, imprisonment in concentration camps and ultimately, torture, rape, and mass killing. A generation that had embraced the imperative “never again” now watched another European community undergo a genocidal” ethnic cleansing.” The Grout Museum in conjunction with the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Education at the University of Northern Iowa will host Prijedor: Lives from the Bosnian Genocide. This exhibit was created by genocide survivors from Prijedor- who found refuge in St. Louis, Missouri- faculty and students of Fontbonne University in St. Louis, staff of the Holocaust Museum and Learning Center, Patrick McCarthy, and Barbra Nwacha. The exhibit honors both the memory of the lives lost in the Prijedor genocide and the experiences of the survivors whose stories are told.