Raising Monarch Caterpillars at Home
Event Details
June 7, 2014 12:30 PM
Location: Indian Creek Nature Center
6665 Otis Rd. SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Email: naturecenter@indiancreeknaturecenter.org
Phone: 319-362-0664
Website: http://www.indiancreeknaturecenter.org
6665 Otis Rd. SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Email: naturecenter@indiancreeknaturecenter.org
Phone: 319-362-0664
Website: http://www.indiancreeknaturecenter.org
Event Description
The stunning, once common Monarch butterfly is disappearing. Since 2000 the migration phenomenon each fall decreases in numbers. Discover what you can do to make your property monarch-friendly and learn how to raise monarch caterpillars to help bolster populations. Register online at www.indiancreeknaturecenter.org or call 319-362-0664 COST: M/$4 NM/$6