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Rosie the Riveter

Event Details

July 25, 2024 6:30 PM — July 25, 2024
Location: Vinton Railroad Depot
612 2nd Ave.
Vinton, Iowa 52349
Contact Name: Sharon Happel
Email: sharonhappel@gmail.com
Website: www.bchsiowa.com

Event Description

Iowan writer Linda McCann will be talking about her book, ‘Rosie the Riveter in Iowa’. Rosie the Riveter was a name used to encourage women to go to work during WWII. They needed to take the place of the men who were fighting the war. Iowa had 55 businesses that used women to meet production of military needs. Linda was able to speak with 35 women who had worked as Rosie’s. Some worked in Iowa and others went to the West Coast. She shares their experiences when she speaks. Linda will have copies of all her books for sale. The books are $20 each and she can only take cash or checks. Free will donation.