Swellest Little Spring Tea on the Lincoln Highway
Event Details
1523 Sunset Drive
Belle Plaine, IA 52208
Email: belleplaineeventsplanner@gmail.com
Phone: 319-434-2079
Website: belleplaineeventsplanner.weebly.com
Event Description
What better way to celebrate spring than with old and new friends at a fabulous afternoon tea? You can savor brewed tea, tea sandwiches, cakes, cookies, and other delicacies, while you enjoy live music and a portrayal of Alice Roosevelt.
Come early (doors open at 1:30) for a photo and art exhibit, punch, and conversation.
Tickets are $15, and include door prize chances. Group discounts available.
For more information, visit belleplaineeventsplanner.weebly.com. Reservations are required; call 319-434-2079 or e-mail belleplaineeventsplanner@gmail.com.
Proceeds go to restore Belle Plaine’s historic Herring Hotel and benefit scholarships for lifelong learners.