It is preferred that questions regarding the U.S. Pig History & Learning Center be submitted online.
Check back regularly for answers to commonly asked questions.
Answered Questions
Question 1.
The RFP refers to sites but does not specify them. Could you give us any information about the candidate sites for the Center, their location and status?
Answer 1.
We have no sites selected for this Center. One of the purposes of the feasibility study is to help determine the best location.
Question 2.
a) We presume that the selected site must be in NE Iowa, the territory included in the S&S area, Correct?
b) Will the Advisory Committee meet in person with the selected consultant team? Where?
c) Are there collections available to review for exhibitions in the History and Learning Center?
d) Are there any currently preferred/desired sites/locations/partners for the History & Learning Center?
Answer 2.
a) The selected site may not necessarily be in NE Iowa. Part of the purpose of the feasibility study is to help us determine the best location for the center.
b) Selected members of the Advisory Committee will be part of the selection committee for the consultant. The entire Advisory Committee will want to meet with the selected consultant. A location will be determined but most likely will be in Waterloo, Iowa.
c) There are collections that can be reviewed.
d) There is currently no pre-determined site/location or partner for the Center.
Question 3.
You mention in your Request For Proposal that consultants will visit/tour sites and assess options, which leads us to believe that have already identified possible locations. Could you tell us the sites identified, and where are they located?
Answer 3.
We have not identified any specific sites. Part of the feasibility study is to help do that. We are looking for help determining whether the center should be a stand alone museum, connected with another museum, situated at a University or any other possible options. We can make suggestions of sites to visit but also want to be open to what a consultant may consider.
Question 4.
Have representatives of the history centers considered as potential sites been directly involved in the discussions of the Silos & Smokestacks staff and the U.S. Pig History & Learning Center Advisory Committee, and/or approached regarding their site as a location for the U.S. Pig History & Learning Center?
Answer 4.
Again, no site has been determined.
Question 5.
Who owns the artifacts and documents referred to in the RFP? Where are these materials currently located, and is there an inventory of these artifacts and documents?
Answer 5.
Most are owned by one individual who is on the advisory committee. They are currently located on his property in southern Minnesota and there has been no detailed inventory of the documents and artifacts other than his personal files.
Question 6.
We expect that you intend the U.S. Pig History and Learning Center to be a major tourist attraction for the State of Iowa. Is this a safe assumption?
Answer 6.
Yes we would expect that where ever the Center is located it would be a major tourist attraction, as well as a center for learning.
Question 7.
While the History & Learning Center is a National Heritage Area entity, will you also be looking for private funding to support the development and on-going operations of the entity? If so, does this proposal include a fundraising feasibility study as part of the whole?
Answer 7.
Yes, we will be looking for private as well as other public funding, and yes we are expecting a preliminary fundraising feasibility study as part of the whole. If it is determined that the Pig History and Learning Center is a viable concept and museum we will most likely want a more comprehensive fundraising study on its own.
Question 8.
Who will be taking the lead on this project from the client side? Silos & Smokestacks or the Advisory Committee?
Answer 8.
Silos & Smokestacks will be the project managers. The advisory committee will play a strong role throughout the process.
Question 9.
Can you say who will be responding to this RFP?
Answer 9.
We will not be sharing the list of those who submitted RFPs.