Be Inspired!
Event Details
408 Main Street
La Porte City, Iowa 50651
Contact Name: Jan Erdahl
Phone: 319-215-0257
Event Description
An old favorite will return, as the La Porte City FFA Historical and Ag Museum will sponsor a Garden Walk on Sunday, June 23rd from 12:30-5:30pm. Visitors will be treated to five outstanding individual gardens as well as view one business in the process of completing a major landscaping and renovation project. Gardens featured on the tour are:
Gary and Sherry Sheffler- A true country oasis! These spacious lawns and gardens exude country charm, packed with lots of rustic elements including gas pumps, vintage John Deere equipment, and original metal sculptures. Perennials and annuals blend for a casual carefree mix. Grasses are an abundant backdrop for their pond. Don’t miss the unique garden shed that was crafted from an old cement cow tank.
David and Marcia Snook- Take a moment to sit on a historic porch in one of the iconic mansions of La Porte City’s past and sip lemonade and share a special treat. Their cottage garden holds the simple charm of a bygone era and is highlighted by old favorites such as coneflower.
Steve and Deb Wilson- Imagination gone wild! Guests will be treated to several themed gardens (such as the ” western garden” featuring “Rootin’ Tootin’” hosta and “the sexy garden” with “Marilyn Monroe” hosta) Featuring over 200 varieties of hosta and 250 varieties of day lilies there is color and humor woven into every corner! Don’t miss Deb’s special memory garden created for her Dad.
Patrick and Brenda Gardner-These gardens boast mature specimens surrounded by charming, one of a kind, architectural elements repurposed to lend special interest to the beds. Eclectic funky mixes, in which found objects figure prominently, dominate the garden settings. A fence provides a beautiful backdrop for colorful displays. Patrick and Brenda’s combined creative talents are on display through out the gardens and recently finished buildings.
Nancy Olson- Well known for her beautiful gardens, Nancy has brought in a new element with the addition of a pond and grasses. Her water garden adds drama to the landscape and offers a place to rest and relax. Bursts of color echo the sunny sentiment of summer.
La Porte City Golf Club- Recently purchased by Wally Markham, guests will be treated to all new landscaping around the Club house and tee boxes as well as stunning improvements inside. Finish your day here and enjoy free hors d’oeuvres from 3-5 and drink specials. A drawing for a door prize will be held at 5:00.
Advance tickets are on sale at Laurie’s Boutique, You’re Look’n Good, LPC Bakery, and the Museum. Tickets accompanied by a guide and maps may be purchased the day of the Garden Walk at the Museum located at 408 Main St. or Patrick and Brenda Gardner’s garden located at 1641 55th St. (Each garden on the tour will be marked with a roadside pitch fork and blue bottles.) Tickets are $5.00 each with all proceeds benefiting the museum.

La Porte City FFA Historical & Ag Museum
408 Main St
La Porte City, IA