Black Hawk County Fair
Event Details
Waterloo, Iowa
Phone: 319-234-6811
Event Description
The 2013 Black Hawk County 4-H and FFA Fair is set to take the stage on July 23 -27 at the National Cattle Congress grounds in Waterloo AND you are invited! As winner of the 2012 Blue Ribbon Fair Award, this annual event promises its guests an opportunity to see and experience the talent and work of 4-H and FFA youth across the county. Admission and parking are free!
The fair features traditional livestock shows, including beef, swine, sheep, and dairy and small animal shows, including dog agility, poultry, cavy and rabbit hopping. A special herding demonstration is planned that is sure to excite you! For the young and old, one hour barn tours allow for a “close up and personal” opportunity to see and pet small farm animals. While in Estel Hall, be sure to check out the hundreds of non-livestock entries in these areas: child development, clothing, food & nutrition, home improvement, horticulture, personal development, science & engineering and visual arts.
New this year at the fair are theme days: on Thursday, we are hosting community agencies for Ag Day; Friday is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Day and Saturday is Move It Day! Enjoy many hands-on opportunities and learn about the world around you! Watch hatching chicks – participate in a youth service learning project – or watch the shooting sports demonstration at the School House…..all this at this year’s 101st Black Hawk County 4-H and FFA Fair.