Oktoberfest – A Family Fun Event
Event Details
408 Main
La Porte City, IA 50651
Email: ffamuseum@lpctel.net
Phone: 3193423619
Website: https://www.facebook.com/LaPorteCityFFAHistoricalandAgMuseum
Event Description
Grab your lederhosen and your dirndl and lets celebrate Oktoberfest!
Oktoberfest was first celebrated in 1810 on October 12th to celebrate King Ludwig I marriage to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen. Now it is a popular celebration all over the world.
Join us for a fun filled day of food, games, crafts and more! There will be so much to do and see like the water ball fight by the La Porte City Firefighters. Send some one to our historic jail with our jail break fundraiser, but they can always post bail. Get your face painted or go paint a face on a pumpkin instead. Don’t miss Hillbilly Bob and his wonderful car Old Ruthie. Learn about Ethanol inside Biofuels mobile education trailer sponsored by Iowa Corn Board.
Admission $5 which includes either a pulled pork sandwich or mac and cheese; a bag of chips and water.
To keep up-to-date on our events follow us on Facebook: @laportecityffahistoricalandagmuseum
To learn more about us and our hours go to: https://www.silosandsmokestacks.org/attraction/la-porte-city-museum/

La Porte City FFA Historical & Ag Museum
408 Main St
La Porte City, IA